Answer Pachamama's Call & Experience Women's Wisdom, Healing, Ceremony & Empowerment
Join our Incredible Community of Women in
Birthing the Divine Feminine!
We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For!
Vilma Pinedo
Vilma comes from a long line of healers from the Andes mountains of Peru. Vilma's grandparents are renowned shamans, and she was called to this path before she was born, when lightning struck her mother while pregnant with Vilma. She grew up surrounded by master healers and began her path as a curandera at the age of 12, reading coca leaves and using her intuition to tell people how to heal themselves, often with amazing results. Vilma learned English (a rarity in the Andes) and was one of the people asked to accompany the Dalai Lama to Machu Picchu. She uses her gift as a tool for peace, healing and unity.
Ashera Serfaty
Ashera's mission is to guide women on their journey of awakening to their authentic self, unique path, soul purpose and remembering their true luminosity. She has been weaving shamanic energy medicine, sound healing, Theta healing, intuition to transformational healing & coaching for the past 20 years. Ashera has been serving clients on their life journeys to their highest potential. She received a variety of trainings, including the Light Body School. She lived in the Andes mountains of Peru for seven years, where she was initiated directly into the Andean indigenous earth and wisdom keeper lineage as a full mesa carrier. She received apprenticeship from Q'ero, curanderas and direct transmission from the high mountains and mother earth. She leads annual retreat journeys to Peru and beyond.
Being Held & Supported in a Loving Sacred Container of Transformation
Powerful Transformative Transmissions, Healing, Ceremony, Journeys & Meditations from Vilma & Ashera
Mystical Wisdom Teachings & Practices You Can Implement Each Week on Your Own
Guidance & Support In Sharing these Medicine Practices & Path With Other Women
Empowering Yourself & Your Voice as a Woman on the Journey In Difficult Times
Connection and Sharing as Part of an Amazing Community of Like-Hearted Circle of Women
Join The Community of Mother Earth
Why Take This Journey...
Step into the mystery & change the way you look at things and watch the things you look at change
Receive a greater sense of stability & grounding in your inner wisdom, direction & empowerment. Bring these teachings forward into your life and your community.
About The Journey...
Mother Serpent- is the archetype of the healer. She teaches us to let go of the past, our old stories and ways, like she sheds her skin easily & completely to walk on the earth in more beauty. Belly to belly with Mother Earth in our innocence. She is the mother of the great river of life.
Mother Sister Jaguar- walks across the rainbow bridge, assisting us to step beyond fear through the darkness to claim our true power. She is the keeper of death, the mother of the jungle who shows how to have no enemies in this life or the next. She eats up the heavy energy & transforms it into light. She teaches the way of courage.
Hummingbird & Ancient Ones - guide us in stepping outside of time with the wisdom of those who have come before us & those who will come after us. The hummingbird reminds us to drink from the sweetness of life, our joy of what feeds us. Hummingbird guides us to our soul and epic journeys. Stepping into timelessness, we can make the impossible journey possible.
Eagle & Condor - open us into the mystery and the place of new beginnings the rising sun. We fly with the eagle & condor, spreading our wings to fly with spirit into freedom. We are able to shift our orientation effortlessly. We learn to see with new eyes from a higher perspective, with greater vision & clarity.
Here's What You Receive On The Journey Path:
Supportive & Sacred Container for your Transformational Journey
Transmissions, Meditations, Ceremonies
Widsom Teachings & Practices Each Week
Working with the 4 Suyus & the Medicine Wheel Journey
Indigenous Andean Cosmology
Connecting with Allies, Guides & Animal Spirits
Transmissions from & Connection with the Apus Nustas & Wakas
Clearing, Cleansing & Rejuvenating with the Elements
Shamanic Journeying
Mesa (medicine bundle) Building & Working with Your Kuyas (sacred stones)
Despachos & Earth Offerings
Connection & Sharing as Part of Like- Hearted Community Women's Circle
Here's What You Receive On The Apprenticeship Path:
All of the Above Offerings in the Journey Path
Advanced Medicine Wheel Journey
Deepening into Mesa Work
Creating Earth Altars: Apachetas, Nawis & Medicine Wheels
Key Ceremonies & Practices (When and where they are used)
Types of Despacho Offerings & Protocols
Mini Coca Leaf Readings with Vilma
Deepened Support on Your Individual Journey
Guidance in Applying these Practices & Bringing them Forward for Yourself & Others
Here's What The Women In Our Community Experience:
"What an incredible journey! These gatherings have awakened in me the energy and power to claim my life purpose fully, to receive the inner knowing that Mother Earth's ancient wisdom is supporting me. I remember who I truly am and my place in the world."
- Carolyn Story
"It’s been so healing, nourishing and empowering to be part of these powerful and
much needed teachings."
- Pauline Saade
"Ashera and Vilma assisted me to find my own way to guide myself to my own space of being fulfilled with deep connection with Pachamama. Amazing experience! I can not thank you enough, as words will never express the abundance of the energies of power, love, and gratitude. Quantum shift"
- Mariza Karas
Choose Your Path:
Payment Plans Available.
Pay In Full For Significant Savings.
OR $155 x 5 Monthly Payments
2 Monthly Zoom Calls
(1st & 3rd Wednesday of each
month at 12pm Pst/3pm EST)
Lifetime Access To Replays
A Special Monthly Recorded mp3 Journey
Summary of Weekly Practices & Handouts
Access to Membership Community
Q& A Time
Journey + Apprenticeship
OR $275 x 5 Monthly Payments
Everything Listed On Journey Path &
(The last Monday of each month at 12PST/3EST)
If you are sincerely experiencing financial hardship, there are some partial scholarships available. Email to Apply
Medicine Wheel & Earthkeepers Journey FAQ
How is this different from Answering Pachamama's Call?
Like Answering Pachamama's Call, we will still have our community sharing and sisterhood. Instead of having the registration open every month for a new topic, this allows us to dive deeper into a journey together and our personal journey with the opportunity of being able to share this wisdom with others for those on the apprenticeship path. With the commitment of 5 months, we can strengthen our group connection deeper as well as the depth of the wisdom teachings. For the apprenticeship journey, there will be a greater focus on how you can bring this experience into your life path and more depth and guidance and instruction in sharing this medicine with others.
How should I choose between the two paths?
The Journey Path is open to everyone! Even if you have experience or have done the Medicine Wheel before, this journey will be a new experience for everyone. The journey path women and apprenticeship path women are on the same calls together, sharing 2 calls per month together. On the apprenticeship path you receive more and the additional calls are in a smaller group only the apprenticeship women. If you have some experience and want to deepen into your practices, our community as well as interested in stepping into deeper to being an earthkeeper and assisting others then choose the apprenticeship. On this path you also receive a greater connection with Vilma & Ashera and guidance and support for yourself. The journey path is open for everyone.
What are the prerequisites for the Apprentice track?
If you have been to taken the Medicine Wheel Journey before with Ashera or someone else you are eligible. If you have been on Answering Pachamama's Call for a number of months or worked with Ashera or Vilma you also may be eligible. If there are other teachers or guides you have worked with then you also may be eligible. Contact Ashera for your interest and to confirm your eligibility for the apprenticeship.
I have financial hardship right now, are there scholarships available?
Yes. We would like to make this journey affordable for those who are sincerely struggling during these times and have a strong commitment to participate. We can provide a more affordable payment plan if need be. There are some partial scholarships at reduced rates. We can't offer these to everyone but will do our best to work with you if you are in sincere need and want to attend.
How long does the program run?
Both tracks run for 5 months from November - March with the first call being the first Wednesday in November.
What times are the calls held? What if I miss a call?
Calls for both tracks are on Wednesdays at 12:00-1:30 PST/ 3PM-4:30 EST. The journey path women only meet on the first and third Wednesday of the month. The apprentice journey meets the first 4 Wednesday of each month. Both journey women and apprentices will share two of the some calls a month. The additional Masterclass for the Apprentices are held the last Monday each month at 12pm PST/3pm EST. Personal Coca leaf readings will be arranged after registration in alignment with your schedule. An additional ceremony date TBA. If you do need to miss a class then it is not a problem as you can watch the replay.
What do I need to prepare for the calls?
Light a candle, some incense and bring some Florida water or essential oils and a bowl of water with you. Other items to be gathered will be listed in the emails you will get a couple days before each weeks call. We ask you show up on time. Come with an open heart.
What if I need extra support?
As our groups will not be very large and there is limited space there will be an opportunity to be seen and heard. One thing that is special about this journey as there is more support than if you were to take a class. The circle aspect allows everyone to come as their are. You will feel a sacred container holding you. If you are really struggling you can a arrange a private session with Ashera or Vilma.
How is this journey different from other groups or trainings.
Though there are many great women's circles as well as Andean shamanic workshop, trainings and apprenticeships around this one is unique. It is one of the few led by women for women. Combing a women sacred circle, an initiatory journey and an apprenticeship option makes it a unique offering. We cover the wisdom of the Andean path, as an experiential journey that comes alive. The energy on the calls is truly palatable where you are not just listening but participating in an embodied way. Working with both Vilma and Ashera brings an added bonus of 2 experienced facilitators and healers bridging the wisdom of the Andes in a way that is relevant and practice to your life now in our western lives at this time of global change.